The day-to-day life of an advertising agency, still, a little different from the usual, all creatives are stuffed animals. Each episode unfolds around a client’s order: a movie, an event, a jingle, a public relations action …
A parody of the crazy production of the ideas and all the pseudo-rational choices and decisions that, necessarily, make an absurdity. At the same time, and along the episodes, the relationships between the stuffed animals. A loving relationship between the Bear and the Chicken, the Lion’s ambition to ascend in the hierarchy, the secret romance between the Giraffe and the Mouse, the classic relationship between the Sheep and the Shepherd, the Dog’s fixation on guarding the Sheep; and the envy among creatives.
Anyway, the usual of an office full of stuffed animals.
Directed by: Sérgio Graciano
Produced by: RTP/Até ao Fim do Mundo
Year: 2017