A documentary that warns of the importance of PDO – Protected Geographical Designations of Origin.
For centuries sugar was considered a spice with healing qualities and therefore used as medicine in medieval pharmacies. The spread of the saccharin crop in the Mediterranean was the first step towards the popularization of sugar consumption among Europeans.
At the time of the Discoveries, the Portuguese crown among other individuals became crucial in the sugar business that dominated the Atlantic in the Modern Age.
The sweet desire was so real among the wealthy classes that sugar gradually entered eating habits. Centuries later it came to be considered as a problem or a poison. A controversial and complex topic.
In the nineteenth century, sugar is confined to the moment of dessert, where along with crystals and porcelain, plays a prestigious role.
Massimo Montanari, from the University of Bologna and Daniel Strum, from the University of São Paulo, participate among other specialists.
Authored by: Anabela Saint-Maurice
Produced by: RTP
Year: 2018